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What do people say about LEGS?

LEGS is an independent initiative that aims to improve the quality and livelihoods impact of livestock-related projects in humanitarian situations.

What do people say about LEGS?

Comments on the 2nd edition of the LEGS Handbook:

Neil Marsland

Senior Technical Officer, Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation, FAO, Rome

“Easier to use, expanded response options and more case studies: this second edition of LEGS has surpassed the very high standards set by the first edition. It continues to be the benchmark for best practice in emergency livestock programming.”

James Sawyer

Director of Disaster Management, World Animal Protection

“LEGS is an essential part of the toolkit for humanitarians who come in contact with animals through their work. We use LEGS in our disaster assessment work and for training governments in appropriate responses to livestock emergencies. Well thought-through and practical by nature, we endorse these guidelines and standards.”

Sara Pantuliano

Director, Humanitarian Policy Group, ODI, London 

“This new edition of the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards, which builds on the 2009 edition and practitioner experience of using it, is an important resource not just for livestock specialists but for everyone engaged in improving the quality of humanitarian interventions. Crucially, the revised book continues to situate livestock support interventions within a wider livelihoods perspective and framework.”

Joanne O’Flannagan

Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, Trócaire, Ireland

“I welcome the second edition of LEGS, a practical expression of the core principle of building local capacities to ensure appropriate livestock interventions during times of crisis. Grounded in a commitment to preparedness in order to maintain the coping capacities of livestock keepers the application of the LEGS standards can reduce costs of emergency response in other life-saving sectors. I strongly recommend LEGS for both development and humanitarian actors working in areas where livestock is the main livelihood.”

Julie March

Agriculture & Food Security Advisor, USAID Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance 

“This new version of LEGS contains even more refined analysis and presentation of guiding principles and standards for the humanitarian community to use to design sound, responsible and, most importantly, effective livestock programmes.”

Comments on the 1st edition of the LEGS Handbook:

Astrid de Valon

Former Regional Humanitarian Coordinator, Trocaire, East Africa

“LEGS is recognised as THE handbook to guide livelihoods-based livestock interventions.”

Saeed Ullah Khan

Former Technical Advisor, International Rescue Committee, Pakistan

“In my professional life, LEGS is the most useful and comprehensive tool for livestock-focused interventions I have come across. It covers all major emergencies and provides necessary planning and implementation guidance for experts and non-experts alike.”

Peter D. Little

Professor of Anthropology and Director of Development Studies, Emory University

“This manual-style book is a very welcome addition to the growing literature on humanitarian work because of its focus on saving lives and livestock-based livelihoods, including the assets (animals) upon which they depend. It presents a convincing set of guidelines, backed by sound concepts and methods, that point to when, where, and for whom different livestock-based interventions should be implemented during emergencies. The manual will be extremely useful to both humanitarian workers on the front lines and policy makers deciding on when and what types of humanitarian assistance are required in an emergency.”

Lili Mohiddin

Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods, Humanitarian Department, Oxfam GB

“It’s been my experience that many agencies respond to livestock emergencies in a variety of ways. A lack of guidelines and standards has resulted in inconsistent and often unaccountable programming both within and between agencies. LEGS should enable agencies such as Oxfam to provide more appropriate, more accountable, more consistent and better quality emergency livestock programming. This can only be of greater benefit to those that the programs target.”

Tim Leyland

Former Livestock and Agricultural Trade Adviser, DFID

“This manual manages to convert a wealth of experience and knowledge into logically presented step-by-step guidance for anyone attempting to respond to or avoid humanitarian disasters that involve livestock owners and their animals. It provides a benchmark for good practice that will undoubtedly save lives and livelihoods.”

Sara Pantuliano

Programme Leader, Overseas Development Institute

“The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards address a much-neglected area of humanitarian practice. This book is invaluable both because it takes a livelihood perspective to crisis response and because it provides a highly actionable framework for intervention grounded in wider thinking. This is a document for practitioners developed by practitioners and as such is an important resource for those called to respond to the increasing challenges facing livestock-keepers in Africa and beyond.”

Julie March

Agriculture and Food Security Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance

“LEGS provides a meeting point for humanitarian response and livestock-based interventions, while ensuring that principles and standards are understood and maintained. This promises to be an invaluable tool for response planning.”

LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook

The LEGS Handbook provides standards and guidelines for appropriate and timely livestock-based livelihoods responses in emergencies, using a participatory and evidence-based approach. The Handbook was produced through a broad consultation process, drawing on good practice worldwide. The LEGS Handbook is a companion to The Sphere Handbook alongside other humanitarian standards which make up the Humanitarian Standards Partnership.

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