Below are links to resources developed by LEGS or relating specifically to LEGS, including Discussion Papers on key topics that were commissioned to feed into the revision of the LEGS Handbook. You can also download the Consolidation Report, which brings together the results of a range of consultation processes on the LEGS Handbook that occurred throughout 2020-2021, including the online survey, consultation workshops and webinars.
Discussion Papers
COVID-19, Livestock and Livelihoods (December 2020)
Livelihoods and Resilience (October 2020)
Putting the Best Foot Forward: Localisation, Contextualisation and Institutionalisation (October 2020)
In Arabic: التماس أفضل ال ُسبل
Gender and Livestock in Emergencies (September 2020)
In Arabic: النوع-الاجتماعي-والماشية-في-الطوارئ
Livestock Insurance (September 2020)
Nutrition and Livestock in Emergencies (September 2020)
The Quality of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (October 2020)
LEGS and Resilience: Linking Livestock, Livelihoods and Drought Management in the Horn of Africa (December 2012)
Policy & Technical Briefs
Cash and Voucher Assistance (October 2023)
Floods and Tropical Storms (March 2023)
In Arabic: الفيضانات والعواصف المدارية
Livestock and Nutrition (October 2022)
In Arabic: الماشية والتغذية
The Quality of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (June 2022)
In Arabic: جودة المستحضرات _الدوائية البيطرية
Livestock Emergency Preparedness and Response for Areas at High Risk of Volcanic Eruptions (March 2022)
Desk Review of Livestock-Related Emergencies and Response in Eastern Europe & Central Asia (October 2021)
Operational Barriers to Applying LEGS (December 2019)
Revisiting the Economic Impacts of Early Drought Response (March 2018)
Supporting Livelihoods and Livestock During Drought in Pastoralist Areas (March 2018)
Animal Welfare and LEGS (2018)
Addressing the Challenges of Livestock in Camps (2017)
Climate Change (May 2013)
Livestock Interventions in Camps (May 2013)
Animal Welfare (February 2013)
By Topic
The Quality of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (June 2022)
In Arabic: جودة المستحضرات _الدوائية البيطرية
The Quality of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (October 2020)
The Challenges of Emergency Veterinary Voucher Schemes (January 2020)
LEGS Core Standards and Community-Based Animal Health Services (January 2020)
LEGS Drought Tool: the Horn of Africa (May 2018)
Revisiting the Economic Impacts of Early Drought Response (March 2018)
Supporting Livelihoods and Livestock During Drought in Pastoralist Areas (March 2018)
Gender and Livestock in Emergencies (September 2020)
Enhancing Gender in the 2nd Edition of LEGS (November 2013)
Tools to Support the LEGS Approach
LEGS Drought Tool: the Horn of Africa (May 2018)
LEGS Participatory Techniques Toolkit: LEGS Participation Mini Module (May 2021)
8 Core Standards (March 2018)
LEGS Infographic: To Design a Response Plan (March 2018)
LEGS Evaluation Tool (2016)
Participatory Response Identification Matrix (PRIM) Template
The LEGS Approach in Action
The Application of LEGS to Inform the El Niño Response in Ethiopia (March 2016)
Livelihoods Standards in Humanitarian Practice (October 2013)
A Study on the Effectiveness of LEGS in Ethiopia and Kenya (August 2013)
Uptake of LEGS in Ethiopia and Kenya against Trends in Humanitarian Assistance (October 2012)
The Use of Cash Transfers in Livestock Emergencies and Their Incorporation into LEGS (2011)