Users of the LEGS website are subject to and agree to abide by the following policies:
All content of this website and all downloaded LEGS Project publications are © The LEGS Project and Tufts University, USA.
Terms of Use:
Any information which appears on the LEGS website and/or in LEGS Project publications is for guidance only. Although the LEGS Project has endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and quality of the information presented on this website and in its publications, the LEGS Project will not be liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use or interpretation of, or the inability to use or interpret, any information contained within. The LEGS Project will not assume responsibility and will not be liable to users of information on the website and/or LEGS publications for any damages whatsoever incurred for any decisions made or action taken in reliance on the information provided.
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By clicking on the ‘sign up’ button on the LEGS website, users consent to joining the LEGS Mailing List. Their email address will be stored and used by the LEGS Project solely for the purpose of sending out mailings to the members of the list. The contacts are not accessible by anyone else.
Translation Policy:
- The LEGS Project has prioritised three international languages for translation – Spanish, French and Arabic.
- Individuals and organisations are encouraged to translate the LEGS Handbook into other languages if they can find the funding. The LEGS Project only funds the prioritised international languages as above.
- Where a translation is commissioned, the LEGS Project should be notified at the start of the work.
- Where possible, the draft translation should be reviewed to check the quality and the technical accuracy of key terms and concepts; where possible the reviewer(s) should be approved by the LEGS Steering Group.
- The translation should be proof-read, ideally by a professional proof reader.
- The inside (copyright) page should be adapted to show that it is a translation of the original English version (keep the original details) and the name/organisation of the translator should be added.
- The LEGS Project copyright clause must be retained. No institutional logos should be inserted.
- The final translation should be shared with the LEGS Project, preferably in pdf form, so it can be placed on the LEGS website.

The LEGS Handbook
The LEGS Handbook provides standards and guidelines for appropriate and timely livestock-based livelihoods responses in emergencies, using a participatory and evidence-based approach. The Handbook was produced through a broad consultation process, drawing on good practice worldwide. The LEGS Handbook is a companion to The Sphere Handbook alongside other humanitarian standards which make up the Humanitarian Standards Partnership.