Desk Review: Identification of methods and tools for emergency assessments to distinguish between chronic and transitory food insecurity and to evaluate the effects of various types and combinations of shocks on these different livelihood groups
Institute of Development Studies, and World Food Program ‘Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity’ (SENAC) project
The Livelihood Assessment Toolkit: Analysing and Responding to the Impact of Disasters on the Livelihoods of People
Working Draft, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and International Labour Organisation, Rome and Geneva
Desk Review: Identification of factors that trigger emergency needs assessments in slow-onset crises
Emergency Needs Assessment Branch (ODAN), World Food Program, ‘Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity (SENAC) Project’
Desk Review: Distinguishing between chronic and transitory food insecurity in emergency needs assessments
Emergency Needs Assessment Branch (ODAN), World Food Program, ‘Strengthening Emergency Needs Assessment Capacity (SENAC) Project’
Food Security Assessments in Emergencies: A livelihoods approach
Humanitarian Practice Network Paper 36, Overseas Development Institute
Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification; Technical Manual. Version 1
Nairobi, Food Security Analysis Unit for Somalia
Guidelines for Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters
Benfield Hazard Research Centre, University College London and CARE International, copyright CARE International
Passport to Mainstreaming a Gender Analysis in Emergency Situations: Key Analytical Questions for Designing Gender-Sensitive Humanitarian Interventions
Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme (SEAGA), FAO and WFP
Best Practices: Gender and Conflict in Africa
Management Systems International and US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC
Linkages between HIV/AIDS and Livestock Production in Countries in East and Southern Africa
Working Paper, FAO Rome
HIV/AIDS and Humanitarian Action
HPG Report 16. Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, UK
Participatory Vulnerability Analysis: a step-by-step guide for field staff
ActionAid International, London
What can we do with a rights-based approach to development?
ODI Briefing Paper 1993(3) Overseas Development Institute, London

El manual de LEGS
El Manual de LEGS proporciona directrices y normas para respuestas oportunas y eficaces a emergencias mediante intervenciones ganaderas centradas en los medios de subsistencia, aplicando un enfoque participativo y basado en la evidencia. El Manual se realizó tras un extenso proceso de asesoramiento, basado en las buenas prácticas a nivel mundial. El Manual LEGS es un manual complementario al Manual Esfera.